Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Upsc all details about salary structure

First watch my video for information about facts videos in this video you will find amazing and intresting facts pleas once watch my video guys 

Click on the link below

Knowledgeable informative video


Second video on RAFEL FIGHTER JET whic recently cane in india RAFEL FIGHTER JET whic recently cane in india pleas guys watch this video for your information


IAS Pay Scale and Grades

The IAS salary is governed by the grades of the IAS officers. The grades are assigned to the IAS officers based on their number of years in the services. The IAS officers are regularly upgraded to the upper grade based on their years of experience. Sometimes they are promoted based on their performance.

The IAS Salary structure is divided into eight grades. Each grade has a fixed basic pay and grade pay. This component of IAS Salary is fixed throughout the grade. The IAS salary comprises of the basic pay, grade pay, Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Medical Allowance, Conveyance Allowance. 

The DA depends on the city of posting and it differs from city to city. In the same way, HRA is also dependent on the residence of the IAS officer. If he is availing the housing facility provided by the government then he will be entitled to the HRA. All the allowances differ from officer to officer. 

DA is the most important component of IAS salary and it is increased by the government from time to time. It is increased up to 103% of the basic salary. Union government periodically revise the DA for the employees and sometimes merge it with the basic salary.

HRA ranges from 8% to 24% of the basic salary. The pay structure as devised by the 7th pay commission does not provide the detail of the salary but provides clear information regarding the maximum and minimum salary of IAS officers within a grade. The payscale is further supported by Grade Pay, DA, HRD and several other benefits. 


Pay Scale

Grade Pay

Years of Service Required

Junior Scale

50,000 - 1,50,000



Senior Time Scale

50,000 - 1,50,001


5 years

Junior Administrative Grade

50,000 - 1,50,002


9 years

Selection Grade

1,00,000 - 2,00,000


12 to 15 years

Super Time Scale

1,00,000 - 2,00,000


17 to 20 years

Above Super Time Scale

1,00,000 - 2,00,000



Apex Scale

2,25,000 (Fixed)


Varies( around 30 years)

Cabinet Secretary Grade

2,50,000 (Fixed)



IAS Pay Level and Posts

The salary of an IAS officer is further explained as per the number of service years and the Pay Level as following.

Pay Level
(years in service)

Basic Pay


(1-4 years)
56100Sub-divisional magistrate in District Administration
Undersecretary in State Secretariat
Assistant Secretary in Central Secretariat
(5-8 years)
67,700Additional district magistrate in District Administration
Deputy Secretary in State Secretariat
Under-Secretary in Central Secretariat
(9-12 year)
78,800District magistrate in District Administration
Joint Secretary  in State Secretariat
Deputy Secretary in Central Secretariat
(13-16 years)
1,18,500District magistrate in District Administration
Special secretary-cum-director  in State Secretariat
Director in Central Secretariat
(16-24 years)
1,44,200Divisional commissioner in District Administration
Secretary-cum-commissioner in State Secretariat
Joint Secretary in Central Secretariat
(25-30 years)
1,82,200Divisional commissioner in District Administration
Principal Secretary in State Secretariat
Additional secretary in Central Secretariat
(30-33 years)
2,05,400Additional Chief Secretary in State Secretariat
(34-36 years)
2,25,000Chief Secretary in State Secretariat
Secretary in Central Secretariat
(37+ years)
2,50,000Cabinet Secretary of India

Now we will describe each grade.

Junior Scale Grade

Junior Scale is the first grade assigned to the IAS probationers. The post included in the junior grade are:

  • Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDMs)
  • Sub-Divisional Officers (SDOs)
  • Sub-Collector (After completion of Two- years of Completion)

The post differed from state to state and depends on the state nomenclature of the administrative structure.

Senior Time Scale Grade

Senior Time Scale is the second in the line and assigned to the IAS officers who have completed 5 years of service. The posts included in the senior time scale grade are

  • District Magistrate (DM)
  • Collector 
  • Joint Secretary of a Government Ministry

Junior Administrative Grade

Junior Administrative Grade is the next in line and as the name suggest, it is assigned to the IAS officers who complete 9 years in the services and becomes a member of the administrative group in the state bureaucracy. Some posts included in this grade are as follows.

  • Special Secretary to the Government of India 
  • Head of Various Government Departments in the state government

Selection Grade

Selection grade is assigned to the IAS officers who complete 12 to 15 years in service. This is the most opportune time for the IAS officer. At this stage, he plays a very important role in policy decisions.

  • Secretary to a Ministry
  • Director in a field organisation

Super Time Scale

This grade is assigned to the IAS officers when they complete 17 to 20 years in the service. The officers don’t follow a regular posting because the postings depend on the will of state governments. Besides, the state cadre strength also plays its role here. The most important posts included in this grade is

  • Principal Secretary

Above Super Time Scale

This grade is assigned after 20 years of service. After 20 years of service, the IAS officer keeps getting the grades and the salary increases with the grade, but the posting depends on the will of the government. The records and performance play a very important role in the posting. The post also varies in this grade. 

Apex Scale

The Apex scale is the second top grade in India and only second to the Cabinet Secretary Grade. The officers assigned to this grade only after they achieved success in their previous postings. The posting in this grade depends on the performance and the will of the government. Some posts included in this grade are as follows

  • Chief Secretary of States
  • Union Secretaries in charge of various ministries of Government of India such as Home Secretary, Finance Secretary

Cabinet Secretary Grade

This is the apex of the pyramid of IAS salary grades in India. Cabinet Secretary is the top officer of India. The IAS officer for this post is hand-picked by the Prime Minister of India and he can choose from a list of officers provided to him from the Ministry of Personnel.

One of the most important parts in relation to the IAS salary is that the salary is decided and fixed by the Union Government of India, but it is paid from the State funds. The state to which the IAS officer is assigned pays the salary and the other benefits.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

dangerous facts about Rafale which recently came to India?

#INTRESTING FACTS ABOUT RAFEL which recently came in India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 go and watch them don't forget to do like share and also subscribe my chanel

Link -- https://youtu.be/76HmcJOEb9k

 Indian Air Force is currently having around 1400 Aircraft, leaving Sukhoi 30mki, Mirage 2000 and Mig 29 behind, All of them are old and outdated, so the UPA government at 2004 decided to retire some of them, and decided to buy more Mirage 2000 fighter jets from Dassault (due to the outstanding contribution of Mirage 2000 in 1999 Kargil War).

  • The French-made Rafale fighter is a high-precision medium-sized multi-role fighter. It is said that this is one of the most modern 4.5-generation aircraft. It has the ability to carry multiple weapons and deliver them accurately. The construction of the Rafale fighter can ensure the survivability of the airborne system itself.
  • Rafale has air-to-air refueling capabilities.

It can refuel another aircraft in buddy mode. The Rafale for IAF has been manufactured based on India Specific Enhancements

The government gave the order to the french company Dassault aviation for the Mirage 2000, but dassault said that they have stopped the mass production of mirage 2000, and they told IAF to buy upgraded version of mirage 2000, the RAFALE.

Then Indian Air Force Decided to test out the competitors of rafale too, so they released tender. after some time Russia offered their MIG-35, Sweden offered their JAS39 Gripen, USA offered F-16 viper and F18 super hornet, France offered Rafale, And (Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain) Offered Eurofighter Typhoon.They all were tested on certain parameters, after all The french Rafale was selected.

  • The Rafale fighter jets have several India-specific modifications. These include
    • Israeli helmet-mounted displays,
    • Low band jammers,
    • Radar warning receivers,
    • Infra-red search,
    • Tracking systems,
    • 10-hour flight data recording among others.bhul

coming to the point of the question.. here are some of the mind blowing facts about Rafale..

  1. It is a multirole fighter, Twin engine, one or two seaters, canard delta winged aircraft.
  2. it has a max speed of 2000 km/hr .
  3. it is powered by French Snecma m88 turbofan jet engine.
  4. The French word RAFALE means Gust of wind in English.
  5. Weighing 9500Kgs it can lift the weapons around 9500kgs.
  6. It doesn’t require the Runway of more than 400 metres
  7. it has a vertical velocity of 305 m/s.
  8. it has automatic Magnesium flare system.
  9. Spectra system: Developed by dassault , this fully automatic electronics security system has lot of features, like if the enemy radar sends the radio signals to the air, the Spectra system constantly reads this signals, notes the pattern of the signals, and after that it emits the same pattern of waves via the Emitter to the enemy radar, so enemy radar can not catch the object (rafale in this case). That is why its design is not STEALTH, but it can play the role of stealth fighters, Just No other plane in this world have a Feature like this.
  10. The Spectra System is so costly that it costs 30% of the total plane.
  11. Rafale has a scanning range of 145km, this is actually low, but here is a pluspoint : the radar can work with more than 2 targets, and it is Impossible to jam for enemy.
  12. Rafale has a combat radius of 1800km, which no other fighter plane have in this world.
  13. Rafale will be featured with Voice recognition operated controls.
  14. It is equipped with Meteor missile as well as ..
  15. India is the fourth country, after Egypt, France, and Qatar, to bolster its fleet with the Rafale fighter jets. Rafale is also the second French fighter, Indian Air Force will have in its fleet. IAF already has Mirage 2000 which is also French-made.
    • 5 Rafale jets landed in Ambala. Rafale aircraft would certainly provide the potent air defence that IAF required. He termed Rafale aircraft "by far the most potent platform for India's air defence".
    • a cannon with 30mm diameter 125 rockets.
    • 8 Air to Air Magic missile.
    • 4 A2A Mica Missile .
    • 7 A2A AMRAAM missile.
    • 5 Antiship penguin Mk3 missile.
    • 3 Antiship harpoon missile.
    • 4 A2S Maverick missile
    • 2 Scalp Stormshadow cruise missile.
    • 9 GBU laser guided bombs.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


The canal has to carry the water across the
water bodies as well as across artificial
obstacles like railway line or roads.
• The main structures of a canal system for
conveyance of canal flow and control of water
levels are as follows -
1. Pipe conduits (or culverts) and inverted
syphons to carry flow under railways and
2. Aqueducts, syphon aqueducts, super-passage,
canal siphon or level crossings across natural
drainage courses or other depressions.
3. Transitions at changes in cross sections.

1. Structures for crossing canals

across roads and railway lines
• These are structural elements to convey canal water
under roads or railway lines. For small roads, carrying
relatively less traffic, the pipe conduit is sufficient. A
general view of the pipe conduit is shown –

Transitions at changes in 

• A transition is a local change in cross section which
produces a variation of flow from one uniform state
to another due to changes in cross sections of the
• For a well designed transition, the optimum angle
between the channel centre-line and a line joining
the channel sides at the water line between the
beginning and the end of the transition is about 14
degrees. The mentioned angle should not exceed 27.5
degrees in any case to maintain streamlined flow.
• Following are the common types of transitions

Type 2
• Similar to type 1 but the outer slopes of the
earthen canal banks are replaced by retaining
walls which reduces the length of the culvert while
the inner slopes of the canal are retained as
earthen sections
Type 3
• The normal earthen banks of the canal are
replaced by a flumed trough of concrete or
• Recommended for large streams
Note that the classification of syphon aqueducts is
also exactly in similar terms

1. Canal Falls - to lower the water level of
the canal by controlling the bed grade
(control of bed grade)
2. Canal Escapes - to allow release of
excess water from the canal system
(control of discharge)
3. Cross & Head Regulators - to head up
water in the parent channel & to divert
some of it through an off take channel
(control of FSL)

1. Canal Falls 
• A canal has a designed longitudinal slope
but has to pass through an undulating
terrain. When a canal crosses an area that
has a larger natural surface slope, a canal
drop, also called fall in India, has to be
provided suitably at certain intervals

Vertical Drop or Sarda-Type Fall
• Falls with impact type energy dissipators
• Raised crest to head up water on the
• Water falls with an impact in a pool of
water on a depressed floor acting like a
cushion to dissipate excess energy of the
• It was first tried in Sarda Canal in UP.

• The floor of the fall should be able to
resist the uplift pressure
• Cut Off walls to be provided at upstream
and downstream ends of the floor
• Side protection at the upstream & the
downstream with brick pitching
• Bed protection with dry brick pitching just
upstream and downstream of the fall

Canal regulators
• These include the cross regulator (in the
parent canal) and the head regulator
(in the off-take canal) for controlling
the flow through a parent canal
• They also help to maintain the water level
in the canal on the upstream of the

Canal Outlets or Modules
• Structures at the head of a water course or field
• Supply canal (distributary) is under the control of an
irrigation authority under the State government.
• An outlet is a link connecting the government owned
distributary and the cultivator owned field channel
• It should satisfy the needs of both the groups.
• Since equitable distribution of the canal supplies is
dependent on the outlets, it must not only pass a
known and constant quantity of water, but must also

be able to measure the released water satisfactorily.

Outlet design should be easy & reliable
• Outlet should be robust enough such that it is
not easily tampered with.
• The cost of an outlet structure should be low
• It should work efficiently with a small working
head (reason - since a larger working head
would require higher water level in the
parent channel resulting in high cost of the

distribution system)


(a) Non-modular outlets
• These outlets operate in such a way that the flow
passing through them is a function of the difference in
water levels of the distributing channel and the
watercourse. Hence, a variation in either affects the

• Ex – Submerged Pipe Outlet, Open Sluice Outlet

(b) Semi-modular outlets
• The discharge through these outlets depend on the
water level of the distributing channel but is
independent of the water level in the watercourse so
long as the working head required for their working
is available.

The discharge through such outlet will therefore
depend on the water level in the distributary.

Ex – Kennedy’s Gauge Module or Venturi Flume,
Crump’s Adjustable Proportional Module(APM),
Open Flume Outlet, Orifice semi-module outlet

Rigid Modules/Modular outlets
• The discharge through modular outlets is
independent of the water levels in the
distributing channel and the watercourse,
within reasonable working limits. This type of
outlets may or may not be equipped with
moving parts.
• Though modular outlets, like the Gibb’s module,
Khanna’s Module, Foote’s Module have been
designed and implemented earlier, they are not
very common in the present Indian irrigation
engineering scenario.

Criteria for Judging the 
Performance of Modules
• Flexibility – It is the ratio of rate of change of
discharge of the outlet to the rate of change of
discharge of the distributary channel.

• If flexibility equals unity, the rate of change of
discharge of outlet equals the rate of change of
discharge of distributary. Such an outlet is said
to be Proportional Outlet.
• For hyper proportional outlet, F > 1
• For sub proportional outlet, F < 1
• The ratio of head on the outlet (h) to the full
supply depth of distributary (y) is known as
Sensitivity – It is defined as the ratio of rate
of change of discharge through an outlet to
the rate of change of water level of the
distributary is called as Sensitivity.
• For rigid/non-flexible modules, the discharge
is fixed and thus flexibility & sensitivity is

• Modular Limit – The modular limits are
the extreme values of any one or more
variables beyond which an outlet becomes
incapable of acting as a module or semi-
 The range between the extreme values of
various such factors is known as modular

• In drip irrigation, emitter devices are used
• Kind of an outlet
• Should be inexpensive & compact
• Should not promote clogging
• Placed at a design spacing in the pipes
• Able to deliver light & frequent application of water
Long Path Emitter -
Flow occurs in a long flow path section.
Ensures laminar flow
Very sensitive to pressure differences in the system
Orifice Emitter -
Flow through these emitters is turbulent
Water flows through a small opening/orifice
Spray Emitter -
Releases water with a lot of energy beneath the
Converts in the form of spray
More area is covered due to rotation
For comparatively coarser textured soil
Short path Emitter -
Behave like orifice emitters
A characteristic short tube section
Compensating Emitter -
Provides a constant discharge over a wide range of
Many short and long path emitters are available in
compensating types.

• A structure constructed on the canal/channel for
measuring discharge
• There is excessive loss of head due to such
constructions. Hence, not used nowadays.
Types of Meter Flumes
• Open channel counterpart of venturimeter
• Gradually contracting portion, a throat & a
gradually expanding portion



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